
Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thanksgiving Leftover Remake: Potato Cakes & Stuffing Cakes

I can't tell you how tired I am of eating leftover Thanksgiving dinner. For the past three days, we've eaten the same leftovers for lunch and dinner and we still haven't been able to finish them off! I was hoping for a few relaxing days of not doing much (especially cooking) but I've about had enough of boring leftovers. They needed some serious revamping so back into the kitchen I went.

We had lots of mashies and stuffing left over so I turned them into savory pan fried cakes. I served them with a little ketchup and Sriracha but you could also serve them with a dollop of sour cream, Greek yogurt or leftover cranberry sauce. They made for a very filling and delicious lunch!

Yields 8 to 9 little patties of each type.

You can put whatever you want into these cakes. The important thing is to make sure sufficient egg and flour are added so that they will bind together and won't fall apart in the pan.

Mashies redone!

Potato Cake Ingredients:
1-1/2 cups of mashed potatoes
1/4 cup green onion or parsley, chopped
1/2 cup cheese of your choice, shredded (I used Gouda)
Pinch of pepper
2 eggs, beaten and divided
2 tbsp. flour
1 cup breadcrumbs


Mix the mashed potatoes, green onions, cheese, pepper and 1 beaten egg in a bowl. Add the flour to bind then form into small patties.

Brown them on both sides until crisp.

Heat about 1 cup of olive oil in a large frying pan. Dip the patties into the remaining beaten egg, then into the breadcrumbs and shallow fry over medium heat until browned on both sides. Drain on paper towels before serving.

These are very similar to potato pancakes.

Stuffing Cake Ingredients:
1-1/2 cups of leftover stuffing
1/4 cup green onions or parsley, chopped
1/2 cup cheese of your choice, shredded (I used Gouda)
1 cup of leftover turkey or ham, diced (optional)
1 egg beaten
Pinch of pepper
Olive oil for frying


Mix the stuffing, green onions, cheese, pepper, diced ham and 1 beaten egg in a bowl. Add the flour to bind then form into small patties.

Repeat shallow frying method as written above but omit the process of dipping these patties into beaten egg and breadcrumbs. They hold together and crisp up just fine on their own.

Stuffing cakes browning nicely in the pan.

These stuffing cakes are really filling and would make a great snack too.


Gingham Girl said...

I think this will go well with banana ketchup. Yum!

Angela said...

I did try them with banana ketchup too and they were delish.

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