
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Chicken Alfredo W/Penne (from Costco)

Hello bloggers!  It's been awhile.  I miss writing, I miss cooking, and I miss reading mouthwatering posts.  It's been a hectic week, with the release of my calendar, a new part-time job, and the usual household's been fast food and take-out in my household the past week.
As I mentioned, I just launched my very first 2012 calendar featuring my artwork.  With the help of Veggie Girl, I was able to convert my water color art into a calendar.  I also found part-time work at the same company where Veggie Girl works.  Isn't that just wonderful?!  Veggie Girl and I met when I joined the company she used to work for, back in the 90's, and as life rolled on, we both left that company and pursued other careers.... and now we are back together again.  The difference now, is that we are both able to work at home, maintain a flexible schedule, and allow us to cook for our families.

For today's post, although it's from Costco, I will share with you something simple on how to jazz  up store bought food to make it more appetizing.  I just added some store bought bagged salad, and garlic bread.  I made my own garlic spread and salad dressing, which I will now share with you all.  -GG-

Salad Dressing
About 3 tablespoons olive oil (extra virgin, regular or light will work)
About 1 tablespoon lemon juice
Honey to taste 
A dash of pepper

Note:  If you don't have honey, dissolve 1 teaspoon of brown sugar in 1 teaspoon of water

Procedure:  Combine all the ingredients together and whisk.  Drizzle over greens.

Garlic Spread
1/2 clove garlic crushed through a garlic press
About 2 tablespoons softened butter
About 1-2 teaspoons grated parmesean cheese

Note:  If you using unsalted butter, you can choose to add a dash of salt.

Procedure:  Combine all ingredients in a small bowl.  Spread over bread.  Toast bread in a toaster oven.

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